28 January 2011
Hi everyone! haha. Went Bishan H8 to collect my Chingay tee shirt. the shirt quite plain lah. only the font part and the sleeve got something on it. anyway quite nice lah. and I got two shirts from Chingay. my sister also have. =) okay.. after J8, went Chinatown point for our hiphop dance. today we managed to finish all the moves for the song. haha. feel so good after the dance. was perspiring so much just now.. so shiok ar! okay.. wanna see how I am going to spent the month of March? see above.. CPTC training CPTC training..... its like occupied my whole March lah! lucky I no need to work on 27Mar. haha.. was praying for that to happen last few days. And praise the Lord for hearing my prayers! =) I hope that these CPTC trainings would be fun although I know that it will gonna be very tiring. 25 January 2011 Dear God, Please help the little boy that came to our church just now. He is just 4 years old and he is currently diagnose with cancer. And doctor say he only have 6 more months to live. God, please help him. He is just 4 years old and he has not enjoy his life yet. He does not deserve all this. And I know God you love everyone and you won't bear to see your child to suffer this type of pain. Please give him speedy recovery and protect him wherever he go. Grant him strength to overcome it and live everyday happily! Provide strength for his mum so that she could take care of him and not lose any hope for his child. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. Please help to pray for him. He is such a cute boy. When I saw him just now, he was actually bald already. But he is very cheerful. When Pastor said that he is just 4 years old and was diagnose with cancer.. I burst into tears... How can such a young and cute boy met with such things. Why do he have to suffer this type of illness. Sometime life is just so unfair to some people. But I believe that God has his purpose in everything he do. I believe the boy will be fully recovered and be a good testimony to many people around him. So everyone! Please CONTINUE TO PRAY FOR HIM okay?? Thanks. After hearing all this, I think that sometimes people just take their life for granted. We do have a choice to live happily and healthily everyday. However, many people just take that for granted! But did the boy have a choice at the first place? He don't have. In such a young age and he have to go through so much and suffer all this. Its really heartbreaking after hearing all these.. =( 23 January 2011 Today wake up damn early! today is weekend seh! shld sleep late late then wake up then go shopping want. in the end have to go Mayflower Sec Sch for Chingay Parade training! So my sis and I wake up at 7am and reach the place at around 8.30am. let me tell you! the training there is super boring, tiring and frustrating! the games they played totally sucks okay. I am not trying to criticise them, but their game is really very lame. haha! TOTALLY NOT FUN AT ALL! then the last part of the training is a speech given by this guy called Raymond. even more worse... he spent most of his time talking some rubbish. haisss.. but nt totally rubbish lah. some of it is just common sense. hahas! but nvm.. its OVER! after training, went Promenade mrt station there to meet my dearest ELAINE YIP XIN HUI! haha! went flea with her today. its at the flyer there. haha.and we bought the SAME CARDIGAN TOGETHER! haha. ehh.. Elaine, promise hor, next time we wear together. haha! okay.. so she bought more things than me! haha. okay.. and we went to this Parco place there to find some seat to sit. HAHA! and the place we found is so cool! (i mean the glass and water behind us, not the two extra things beside the chair hor.. haha!) finally we managed to find some time to talk lerh hor.. haha. =) okay.. after that, went Orchard to have my shopping! haha! went Manhattan @ Fish Market for dinner. then went 313. haha! F21, ZARA, Cotton On, New Look.... finally at New Look I manage to buy my pants and bags. haha! actually wanna buy the shoes there. but it was so high okay! haha! but now abit regret for nt buying.. shld i buy or shld i not?? haha! shall see how tml. =) 18 January 2011 I dyed my hair! HAHA! okay.. basically today lesson start at 11am and end at 12.30pm. so shiok! but had to practise my piano thingy once I reach home. know what.. and i got cramps on my hands. haha! i think i played too much and too long liao. =) (okay.. I bluff you. I didnt dye my hair.. I also don't know what happen. I just ask my sis to help me take a photo of my hair to see how it is.. then the effect come out is like that. cool huh! haha.) 16 January 2011 Firstly, I am gonna say that the reason I am blogging now is all because of ELAINEYIPXINHUI! haha. (please feel honoured that i spent some of my precious time blogging ok!?) haha. okay! I shall say that I am a super duper busy girl. (that means I wont have a lot of time to blog). you see, on every mon, I need to go church for prayer meeting. On every tues, I got piano lesson. On every weds, I need to go church again for praise and worship service. On every thurs, haha.. still finding something to fill up the slots. On every fri, I got dance lesson. see see see! I busy right. Every week full of activities. haha. and got projects, assignments, tutorials, report, exams some more.. haha. But don't know why, until now I am still handling it very well. Thats maybe of the prayer I am praying everyday. (God is GOOD, all the time!). okay. and I joined some volunteer work these few weeks too. Today is my last day at the ART STAGE SINGAPORE. had been helping them for three days already. haha. ohh yah.. my sis and I manage to go in to the exhibition and view the arts. some of the arts are so simple (like just a single line ONLY). some of the arts are so chim.. haha. anyway, my sis and I is not those ppl that are "into-art".. so yah.. its normal that we don't understand huh. hahas. ohh yah, and we took half an hour to complete viewing all the art pieces.. while other ppl need around 2 hours to do so.. and they say not enough. I was like "WHAT!" haha. okay.. after this ART STAGE thingy.. Upcoming is CHINGAY! haha. I am a Usher there. so if anyone happen to be there and happen to see me.. Please say Hi to me okay. haha. okay.. I think thats all for today.. cant think of anything to write anymore. hehehehehe... opps! below are some of the photos that I happen to take these few days. =) |
![]() SELENE♥ Aaron Benjamin | BiFang | Boo Chuan Darren Edmund | Elaine Fecilia | Felicia Grandaunt | Gwenda Jasmine Ng | Joanne | Jolina Kelly Marvin | Matthew | Mindy Penny Samuel.Q Yirong Felicia Chin | Show | Xiao Gui January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 Designer : Chili. x o x o |